Board Meeting Agenda (10-16-2024)

Willingboro Municipal Utilities Authority Regular Meeting

Wednesday, 6:00pm, October 16, 2024

  1. Call to Order
    1. Pledge of Allegiance
    2. Roll Call
  2. Statements
    1. Open Public Meeting Act Reading
    2. Chairman’s Statement Regarding Well 5A PFOS Status
  3. Public Hearing to Adjust Water and Sewer Rates
  4. Further Statements
    1. Explanation of Resolutions
  5. Public Comment – Agenda Items Only
  6. Minutes of Prior Meeting
    1. September 18, 2024 Regular Meeting 
  7. Executive Updates
    1. Policy, Procedures & Communications Committee Report
    2. Res. 2024-10-16-01: Establishing a Policy for Tax Lien Sale
    3. Res. 2024-10-16-02: Establishing a Policy for Engineer Selection
    4. Res. 2024-10-16-03: Adopting an Interest Waiver Policy for Commercial Accounts
    5. Res. 2024-10-16-04: Establishing a Cash Handling Policy
    6. Executive Director Report
    7. Res. 2024-10-16-05: Establishing Fair & Open Process for Professional Selection
  8. Finance
    1. Treasurer Report
    2. Res. 2024-10-16-06: Amending the Cash Management Plan FY 2024
    3. Finance Director Report
    4. 2025 Budget Presentation -Revised
    5. Res. 2024-10-16-07: Introducing and Approving the Authority Budget for FY 2025
    6. Finance Committee Report
    7. Res. 2024-10-16-08: Approval of Payment of Bills
    8. Res. 2024-10-16-09: Authorizing Adjustment of Service Charges
    9. Res. 2024-10-16-10: Approving A Change Order and Authorizing an Increase to the Not To Exceed amount for DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick, Cole & Giblin, LLP. Professional Services Contract for Labor Counsel
  9. Human Resources
    1. Director of Human Resources Report
    2. Personnel Committee Report  
    3. Ad Hoc Training Committee Report 
    4. Res. 2024-10-16-11: MOU Pre-Apprenticeship Program
  10. Operations
    1. Director of Operations and Maintenance Report
    2. Res. 2024-10-16-12: Authorizing Cooperative Purchase Contract # B383A-3 with Hach Company.
    3. Consulting Engineer’s Report
    4. Res. 2024-10-16-13: Authorizing Change Order for Fencing Well 5A
    5. Res. 2024-10-16-14: Authorizing Change Order for Landscaping Well 5A
    6. Res. 2024-10-16-15: Authorizing Contract for Trickling Filter Center Column Project to Municipal Maintenance Co.
    7. Operations Committee Report
  11. Unfinished Business
  12. New Business
    1. Unknown Water Service Line Material Composition Notification
    2. Community Change Grant
    3. Res. 2024-10-16-16: Authorizing Executive Session
  13. Public Comment – General
  14. Comments from Authority Commissioners
  15. Executive Session
  16. Adjourn