Lead Service Line Inventory

In July 2021, New Jersey passed Assembly Bill No. 5343, which requires all water systems to inventory and replace all lead service lines.  Although the majority of the water service lines in Willingboro are copper, this law also requires the replacement of customer-owned galvanized steel and lead lines. Willingboro MUA will continue to identify service line materials.

Under this new law, public community water systems are required to make the service line inventory available on our website. The inventory was last updated on 7/9/2024. We are kindly asking residents for help in identifying your service line material. If you would like to participate, please email jlallo@wmua.info to coordinate this identification. Please note that the inventory spreadsheet is for viewing only and cannot be edited.

Pipe Materials: UX = unknown; C = copper; P = plastic; NL = non-lead

[Click here to view Lead Service Line Inventory]