RFQ: Street Light Project




The WMUA on behalf of the Township of Willingboro is soliciting written proposals from qualified firms or individuals (Contractor) which would replace existing street lighting with LED equivalents together with possible use of security cameras and other “Smart Growth” products throughout the Township of Willingboro. It is anticipated that the proposals will address any financial incentives, grants or other ways by which this Project can be funded without the use of public funds.

As a Request for Qualification (RFQ) this is not an invitation to bid and although price is very important, other factors will be taken into consideration.  All Responses must be received by the WMUA by March 23, 2016 at 1:00 PM EST.

All responses must be in a sealed envelope and have “STREET LIGHITNG CONVERSION TO LED PROJECT” clearly marked on the outer most mailing envelope. Please submit one unbound original and six (6) unbound copies of the proposal as follows: Mail or Hand Deliver To: Willingboro Municipal Utilities Authority, 433 John F.  Kennedy Blvd. Willingboro, New Jersey, 08056, ATTN: Andrew Weber, Executive Director.  Proposals will not be accepted after the date and time stated above. Incomplete proposal or proposals that do not conform to the requirements specified herein will not be considered. Issuance of the RFQ does not obligate the WMUA to award a contract, nor is the WMUA liable for any costs incurred by the proposer in the preparation and submittal of proposals for the subject work.

The WMUA and Willingboro Township retain the right to award all or parts of this contract to several bidders, to not select any bidders, and/or to re-solicit proposals. The act of submitting a proposal is a declaration that the proposer has reviewed the websites of the WMUA, the Township of Willingboro, and New Jersey laws and regulations to obtain general information about the Project.


For questions concerning the anticipated work, or scope of the project, please contact Andrew Weber, via email Andrew@wmua.info. Answers to questions will not be provided by telephone. Rather, answers to all questions or any addenda will be posted on the WMUA’s site at www.wmua.info.

We look forward to receiving and reviewing your proposal.


Andrew Weber, Executive Director, Willingboro Municipal Authority