Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Willingboro Municipal Utilities Authority for the furnishing of WATER DISTRIBUTION MATERIALS.

Bids will be opened and read in public at the office of the Willingboro Municipal Utilities Authority, 433 John F. Kennedy Way, Willingboro, New Jersey on October 25, 2019 at 11:00 a.m., prevailing time.

Specifications and bid forms may be obtained at the office of the Willingboro Municipal Utilities Authority, 433 John F. Kennedy Way, Willingboro, New Jersey 08046-2119, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm (M-F) at the cost of reproduction, $25.00 (non-refundable) or by visiting the Authority’s website at

Bids must be made on the standard proposal form in the manner designated therein and must be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the bidder and the name of the project on the outside addressed to the Willingboro Municipal Utilities Authority for ten percent (10%) of the total amount bid, provided said security need not be more than $20,000.00. 

The signed proposal forms and bid security must be delivered to the place and on or before the hour named above. The accepted bidder must sign the contract within ten (10) days after the Notice of Award or forfeit his/her bid security. Bid securities will be returned to all but three (3) apparent lowest responsible bidders. All other bid securities will be returned after awarding and signing of the contract.

Bidders are required to comply with the requirement of NJSA 10:5-31 et seq. and NJAC 17:27-1.1 Affirmative Action Regulations.

The right is reserved to reject any or all Proposals, in whole or in part, or to make awards to such bidder or bidders who, in the judgment of the Willingboro Municipal Utilities Authority makes the most advantageous bid and to waive such informalities as may be permitted by law.


Andrew Weber

Executive Director