Since the inception of the Willingboro Municipal Utilities Authority on February 24, 1958, we have been blessed to have one of the best municipal water and treatment centers. Like all good things, this valuable commodity is constantly in need of attention and tender loving care. That responsibility for maintaining both the water and pollution control plants along with the miles of sewer and water lines owned by the utility authority rests on the shoulders of the hard working and loyal WMUA employees and administrative staff.
However, all that would not be possible without the collaborative efforts of the residents, community and government leaders. I am grateful to be part of this team.
Dr. Seuss, the famous author who in 1960 brought us The Cat and the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham once said “Only you can control your future.” That saying holds true today as it did over fifty years ago.
Working together we can continue to provide the highest quality water and wastewater treatment and distribution thereby controlling our future for generations to come.
Andy Weber